Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Advises: Don’t Be Ruled By Greed

Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates have extensive experience representing clients charged with various theft related offenses.  Unlike the religious community who seek peace, charity and mercy, the clients charged with...

Someone Needs You, Don’t Hurt Them

Houston Family Violence Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates represent many clients–men and women–accused of assault family violence in both straight and gay relationships.  A first time assault bodily injury family violence...

Houston Criminal Attorney James Sullivan Advises: Control Your Personal Passions

Houston Criminal Defense Harris County criminal lawyer James Sullivan & Associates have decades of experience representing clients who could not control their personal passions and were arrested and charged with such criminal offenses as assault family violence,...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan Says – Be Courageous! Stand Up to the Government!

Houston Criminal Defense Harris County criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates have the courage to stand up to the government and force them to prove their case at trial.  No one has ever been found not guilty who did not have the courage to take their case...

Houston Criminal Defense Attorney James Sullivan Advises: Be Prepared for the Legal Storms

Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates offer strong legal advice and words of wisdom even before charges are brought.  Whether you are being investigated by the police or by CPS, you should contact and retain defense...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan – Experience Counts

Houston Criminal Defense James (Jim) Sullivan is an experienced Houston Criminal Defense Attorney. For over 25 years, Sullivan has successfully fought the government in Jury Trials on behalf of clients in criminal and juvenile courts. James Sullivan attended the Trial...