Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan Represents the Mentally Ill

Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates fight for their clients all the way to a jury trial.  They frequently represent men, women and juveniles  overburdened by mental illness.  They fight like hell to get them the best...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan – You can never really return home.

Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyer James Sullivan fights for his clients all the way to a jury trial. Sullivan works hard to free his clients from the criminal charges against them. Sullivan knows that if their clients go to prison that their lives will...

Houston Criminal Attorney James Sullivan Advises: Don’t let judges scare you into pleading guilty. If you didn’t do it, ask for a jury trial.

  Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates fight for their clients all the way to a jury trial.  They do not let their clients get intimidated by black robed bullies who might prefer to move their court dockets than to...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan Expresses His Real Opinion

  Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates express their real opinions to their clients and prospective clients. Truth and transparency. Is that too much to ask? You ask. They give a straight answer. James (Jim) Sullivan...

Houston Criminal Lawyer asks Do you identify with the very successful or the underprivileged?

Houston Criminal Defense Does your defense attorney identify with the power and achievements of the very successful or with the needs and sufferings of the underprivileged?  Where does your attorney office?  How much does he charge?  How lavish is his lifestyle?  Does...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan – Seek common ground, not differences. Seek understanding, not conflict.

Houston Criminal Defense Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates seek common ground and understanding, not differences and conflict, when representing their clients at trial.  Juries weigh the evidence and make their judgments the best they can.  When...