Renunciation Defense to Criminal Conduct – Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan can advise you

Houston Criminal Defense Houston Criminal Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan defends people accused of all kinds of criminal offenses and has successfully utilized many different kinds of defenses to get the best possible result. James (Jim) Sullivan is an experienced...

Houston Hot Check Defense Lawyer James Sullivan Gets Results on Hot Check cases

Houston Theft Lawyer Houston Hot Check Defense Lawyer Jim Sullivan gets good results on Hot Check and Theft related Cases.  For the best results, talk to an experienced Harris County Hot Check Defense Lawyer. James (Jim) Sullivan is an experienced Houston Criminal...

Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan defends fellow Houstonians from governmental prosecution.

Houston Criminal Defense Houston Criminal Lawyers James Sullivan and Associates defend Houstonians and folks from all over southeast Texas in criminal court from governmental prosecution. To get the best result, hire an experienced Houston criminal defense trial...

Houston Theft Lawyer James Sullivan represents clients charged with Theft of Service

Houston Theft Defense Houston Theft Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan represents many people who are charged with Theft of Service. James (Jim) Sullivan is an experienced Houston Criminal Defense Attorney. For over 25 years, Sullivan has successfully fought the government...

Attorney James Sullivan Review in Juvenile Case

Our initial ordeal with the juvenile justice system was devastating. Our trust that justice would prevail and our belief that our first attorney had our interests first and foremost were destroyed. So when we again had to approach the court, we were at a loss as to...

Criminal and Juvenile Lawyer James Sullivan Fights for his Clients

Houston Criminal Defense Criminal Law is also a very complex area of law.  Criminal law is evolving and punishment is becoming more extreme.   Many attorneys maintain a general practice wherein they handle cases from a number of different areas of law, such as...