Criminal and Juvenile Lawyer James Sullivan Fights for his Clients

Houston Criminal Defense Criminal Law is also a very complex area of law.  Criminal law is evolving and punishment is becoming more extreme.   Many attorneys maintain a general practice wherein they handle cases from a number of different areas of law, such as...

Criminal Law Is Different than Other Laws

Houston Criminal Defense Criminal Law is also a very complex area of law.  Criminal law is evolving and punishment is becoming more extreme.   Many attorneys maintain a general practice wherein they handle cases from a number of different areas of law, such as...

Houston Theft Lawyer James Sullivan Gets Felony Forgery of a Financial Instrument case No Billed (Dismissed) by Grand Jury

  Harris County Theft Defense Houston Theft Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan got his client’s felony Forgery of a Financial Instrument NO BILLED (dismissed) by the Grand Jury.  His client received a counterfeit $100 bill from a payroll check cashing facility. ...

Houston Theft Lawyer James Sullivan gets client’s Burglary of a Habitation case dismissed!

Houston Theft Defense Houston Theft Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan represented a man charged with the serious felony of Burglary of a Habitation in the 339th District Court.  His client faced 2 to 20 years in prison.  After investigating the case, interviewing witnesses...

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer James Sullivan gets his client’s Aggravated Assault No Billed (Dismissed) by the Grand Jury

Houston Aggravated Assault Defense Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan represented his client in the 180th District Court on an Aggravated Assault.  His client allegedly caused serious bodily injury to the complainant by stomping on his face and...

Burglary of a Habitation – Houston Criminal Lawyer James Sullivan gets serious felony charge dismissed!

Houston Burglary of a Habitation Defense Houston Theft Lawyer James (Jim) Sullivan defended a man charged with Burglary of a Habitation in the 232nd District Court.  His client said he didn’t do it.  The attorney worked long hours investigating the case,...