Houston Criminal Defense

Houston criminal lawyers James Sullivan & Associates genuinely care for their clients and represent people from all ethnic, religious, nationality and sexual orientation backgrounds. They celebrate the diversity of all people and represent every one with a passion and total commitment. They also value trust, honesty and integrity.
Attorney James (Jim) Sullivan graduated from Baylor University (world’s largest Baptist university).  James Sullivan attended the Trial Lawyers College founded by Legendary lawyer Gerry Spence. Sullivan also speaks Spanish and is Board Certified in Juvenile Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Sullivan has a proven record of defending people from all walks of life, faiths and countries in courts throughout Texas.
If you need a Houston criminal lawyer, call James Sullivan at 281-546-6428 for a confidential consultation.
Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kills it. ~Rabindranath Tagore, philosopher, author, songwriter, painter, educator, composer, Nobel Prize in literature (1861-1941).